Monday, January 18, 2010

An Ephemera- I Want a ‘Best Friend’.

It may sound so funny to so many people who know me for a long time, may sound very confusing for new people in my life. I have friends, a lot of best friends actually. Then why I’m thinking about a best friend now?
I can find so many reasons for that, but..
I was part of many so called ‘groups’, many times in my life..
But always I was beyond that groups too, not only me but I got some good friends having same feelings..
Also luckily I got someone who is always close to me.
Who concerns about, who loves my concern too, actually these people changed my character a lot and I can say these people where those who is behind my character.
And now?
Once I thought those people will be with me forever,
Sounds very funny now. :(
“You have so many best friends around you aby”
Yes, I know.
But still.
“Forget about the past aby”.
You know what Prakash Kona(my Prof.) told about past?
“Real freedom is freedom from your past”.
beyond these theories.....
I want someone to hold myself.
A best friend?

NB. I have many best friends.
This feeling came from something lost in my way.


Bitter God said...

we all lose some on the way.. and find more... cant hold onto one branch for all your life aby... maybe the branch needs to grow and you need to move...

abclicks said...

you know, in some moments in life,
we all will think about the branch where we started our journey.....may be for a few seconds atleaast.

Bitter God said...

yeah thats always there.. cant help... its all part of that big fat journey called life...

abclicks said...

true buddy:)