Saturday, March 13, 2010


what will be thier life?
ohh...they dont have life na...?
spirits are everywhere....
you cant see them,
unless you want to see them.
you will not notice them,
unless you decide.
everyone can be spirits.
everyone can be unnoticable,
everyone can be invisible.

now even I'm a spirit.
can you see me?


Paulami said...

i guess u left the door open..dont worry as who wishes to see the spirit will see and those who dont..dont worry..time passes..

abclicks said...

@ tabs: so true...u can see so many spirits.
@Dejaview: spirits dont have any concept of time.........if u want to see it, you can....any time...datzz all.....

Bitter God said...

spirits live a life that is beyond the mundane... they leave behind their body, their time, their thoughts and their memory... they merely exist....